Saturday, February 22, 2014

Bilbo and Smaug

About a month ago on Facebook, I posted a drawing of a dragon that I did on my iPad. I used the program Procreate and was really pleased with the results. I had just seen, 'The Hobbit' and the dragon was clearly inspired by the movie. I decided to follow up the piece with another illustration based on an actual scene from the book. I hope you enjoy it!


  1. Hey Keith, Andrew here... I think this picture is pretty cool in a sort of typical sense. Personally I have not been super happy with what Jackson has done to The Hobbit, but that has nothing to do with the price of muffins on Tuesday.

    Overall, I see this and think, "Oh that's a bit childish and under drawn." But perhaps this is because I recall seeing some of your more traditional art and sketches back in high school and college, so I know what you are capable of doing.

    However, I don't think that is what this is really about. This is more a demonstration of a software application and how it can be used in a graphic design type world. In which case, I guess that would depend on how addaptive said software is and how quickly you were able to produce this.

    Did you use a wacom tablet, mouse, touchscreen? Why do you like the software and why is it better?

    1. I'm not happy about the new movies either Andy. I'm not even sure Peter Jackson likes the original story of 'The Hobbit'.

      Working in the design field has certainly influenced my drawing techniques but I also haven't kept up with it as much as I would like to have. This is about getting back to basics. The original Rank and Bass movie in my opinion was far better than Jackson's interpretation and the art work as influenced me since I was a child.

      As I mention in my post, I created the piece using the iPad in a program called Procreate. I used a cheap stylus because there is no way to do any sort of drawing without one.

      Yes this piece is a demonstration of new software and hardware, but it’s also about me going back to my roots. There will be more posts to come. I’d appreciate your insight on further pieces.

  2. So this is stylus to touch screen, intriguing. I have never owned an iPad, not a big apple guy. But watched a video about fan boys the other day that made some very valid points that by buying into one particular view we can very much limit ourselves. Only issue is I don't really have the cash for an iPad but if you were to send me one I would certainly give it a chance ; )

    I have also been considering getting a wacom tablet. Something I probably should have done a long time ago.

    In regards to the Hobbit, my wife loves the older classic too. Most of her family can sing nearly all the songs from that one. I only vaguely remember it from my childhood and may need to re-watch it.

    Not only does Jackson probably not like the story of the Hobbit, but he is changing history in Tolkien's world, which I don't feel he has the right to do. Then again I guess him and Mrs. Tolkien got into it awhile back or something so maybe he is just being a dick, but I won't even pay to watch them in theaters because I won't support garbage like that. If you want to write your own story, write your own story, but call it your own. Don't try to call an orange and apple, because all of us fans expecting oranges might not like apples ya know...
