Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hops 'N' Clocks

This logo is for the National Watch & Clock Museum's annual Hops 'N' Clocks event. I've been waiting all year to do this logo. The idea of turing the clock tower in front of the museum into a stein has been gestating in my mind for many months now. I was very happy that the idea was approved by the directors Noel and Katie. Thanks guys!


  1. All I can say, is I hope they are paying you well! Then again the world is full of brilliant underpaid artists and designers...

    Such is life, and I guess as long as you enjoy your job, that is what really matters...

    This has that same style about it and the only word that keeps popping into my head is juxtaposition... I guess I need to consult a thesaurus or possibly a tyrannosaurus or something?

  2. Ha! No. Juxtaposition is a good word. I like to mix messages (when it's appropriate). I'm glad you like it!
