Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve in Columbia PA

Possessed by the Christmas Eve spirit, my brother and I went out during the snow shower and shot some video for a song I recored. From soup to nuts, this video was a lot of fun to put together. I hope you all enjoy, 'Christmas Eve in Columbia PA'

Monday, October 29, 2012

Enlisting Time Website

Ta-Dah! The Enlisting Time Website is officially live! Please check it out (enlistingtime.org). This is only a taste of the actual exhibit at the National Watch & Clock Museum in Columbia PA. If you happen to visit the museum (and I think you really should) mention the code word: 'Operation Overlord' and receive a 25% discount on your admission!

Saturday, September 8, 2012


A few weeks ago I read an article in Tofugu that simply blew me away. GIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format. Gifs were something I never liked. Usually they look awful; used frequently for advertising pop-ups. In fact, I never paid much attention to them until I read about rolling. There are artists who have taken the gif format and turned it into something beautiful. Here is the link to the article. I highly suggest you check it out: http://www.tofugu.com/2012/08/11/japanese-gif-artists-keep-rrrrrrrrolling-along/

So here is my attempt at rolling. I took a sake set that I bought in an antique mall and rolled them on my kitchen counter. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Enlisting Time

It's time to gloat a bit... The first picture below is the front of the National Watch & Clock Museum in Columbia PA. You will notice there are two large banners hanging on either side of the entrance. THEY ARE MINE!!! (gloat, gloat). I took individual pictures of the two banners so more detail could be seen. Beneath the two banner pictures are photos of the two corresponding hanging banners inside the building. 

(Close up shots of the outside banners)

(inside banners)

The 'Time Out' banner may be familiar to you as I have already blogged on this exhibit. The banner to the left however is new. The exhibit is called 'Enlisting Time' and will open in August. The Enlisting Time project has been, by far, my favorite. I spend many hours researching for exactly the right aesthetic and photos the banners. The logo was also equally treated with care, study and creative invention. Although Hops 'n' Clocks will be the most fun event of the year Enlisting Time will be, for me, the most interesting.

(black and white logo)

(postcard with the logo. Just noticed that the minute hand is missing! Oops!)

(outside banner)

(inside banner)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hops 'N' Clocks

This logo is for the National Watch & Clock Museum's annual Hops 'N' Clocks event. I've been waiting all year to do this logo. The idea of turing the clock tower in front of the museum into a stein has been gestating in my mind for many months now. I was very happy that the idea was approved by the directors Noel and Katie. Thanks guys!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Time Out!

This is my latest work for the Watch & Clock Museum. The top and bottom-left piece are large banners to be hung in front and inside of the Museum. The bottom right piece is an 8.5x11 in pamphlet to be handed out to visitors of the museum. This is not my typical style of work. Usually I like more complex, detailed work but I think the simple-graphic look works well for this exhibit.